Finally, a little vacation!
I have a week-off-before-the-finals started from Dec 31st, and at that day, me and two others (Irnanda and Mentari) decided to go took a vacation. Can't go far away, because, yes, finals will come a week ahead. So, here we go: Ullen Sentalu, Javanese Culture and Art Museum!
It is located on Kaliurang, the upper part of Yogyakarta, Boyong Kaliurang Street, to be exact, Opening hours from 9am to 4pm, closed on Mondays. (as seen on its official website). We must pay an admission fee, each people 25000 rupiahs.
Sooooo, here it begins!
I don't know before, the museum tour is guided! I think it was like walking around and looking everything we like just like another museum I've ever been, but it's not. (I forgot the tour guide name -.-) and we took tour with 4 others people, 3 middle-aged women and an old man, we thought they were Sundanese accent :))
The tour itself told us about the Hamengkubuwono Families and the Story of Kesultanan Yogyakarta and Solo. (My bad! I don't remember the whole stories, lets take a peek on the website, and try to remember all hoho!)
1. Dance and Gamelan room
This room has a Gamelan sets, a grant from Kasultanan Yogyakarta Prince, and there were some beautiful painting about the traditional dances, the one I remember, there was a Tari Topeng painting (maybe it is Masked Dance in English) painted beautifully.
2. Tineke's Poem Room
This room showed the messages, letters, mails, to Tineke (her actual name was GRAj Koes Sapariyam (the daughter of Sunan PB XI, Surakarta)). As long as I can remember is, the tour guide said that the letters were from the cousins, best friends, aunties, and relations that cheering Tineke up because she wasn't allowed to marry the guy she liked, and they were cheering her up for almost 10 years. The letters were originally written in Dutch, but there were Indonesian and Japanese translation.
3. Putri Dambaan Room
This is a room, fully displayed about GRAy Siti Nurul Kusumawardhani (or known as Gusti Nurul). The room displayed the documented photos about her, from her childhood until she's 81 (she officially launched this room, she's still alive, now 90, and live in Bandung). This princess inspired the Mataram princes to not to do polygamy. She liked to ride the horse, which is not common in her era.
4. Batik Room Vorstendlanden
This room is displaying Sultan HB VII - Sultan HB VIII from Kraton Yogyakarta and Sunan PB X until Sunan PB XII from Surakarta (Solo) Batik collection. The things I learned is the difference about Yogyakarta and Solo batik pattern. While Solo's has a small, rigorous pattern, and having a darker color, like dark brown, brown, and Yogyakarta's has a bigger pattern, and lighter color, as white, yellowish. There were such a nice batiks, and they have own philosophy, as the 'Udan Liris' (if I'm not mistaken) told about the wealth, and the one I really can't remember that told about health, the older covered the sick people with batik in that pattern and believe it can heal the sicks.
That were some I can remember after seeing the official link
The sad truth is................we were not allowed to take a photograph inside the museum, we can only take it outside. But, well, we took a lot of. Hehehe.
Now, talking about the place.
It was SUCH A BEAUTIFULLY NATURAL! Tress are grown everywhere, make it quiet and calm, the building was built by the stones, and the cold sensation because the museum was built in the foot of Merapi mountain.
here are some pics!
unnamed statues before the exit

me, on gate haha
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